Moyer, M.J., E.M. Rose, D.A. Moreland, A. Raza, S.M. Brown, A.L. Scarselletta, B. Lohr, K.J. Odom, and K.E. Omland. 2022. Female song is structurally different from male song in Orchard Orioles, a temperate-breeding songbird with delayed plumage maturation. Journal of Field Ornithology 93: 3.
Odom, K.J., Cain, K.E., Hall, M.L., Langmore, N.E., Mulder, R.A., C., Kleindorfer, S., Karubian, J., Enbody, E.D., Jones, J.A., Dowling, J.L., Leitão, A.V., Grieg, E.I., Evans, C., Meyers, K., Araya-Salas, M. and Webster, M.S. 2021. Sex role similarity and sexual selection shape male and female song structure in fairy-wrens (Maluridae). Ecology and Evolution 11: 17901-17919. https://doi-org/10.1002/ece3.8378
Jones, J.A., Odom, K.J., Hoppe, I., Nason, D., Ketaloya, S. and Karubian, J. 2021. Correlated evolution of distinct signals associated with increased social selection in female white-shouldered fairywrens. Accepted. Ecology and Evolution 11: 17352-17363.
Odom, K.J., Araya-Salas, M., Morano, J.L., Ligon, R.A., Leighton, G.M., Taff, C.C., Billings, A.C., Germain, R.R., Guimarães de Andrade, L., Pardo, M., Dalziell, A.H., Keen, S.C., Hedwig, D., Shiu, Y., Charif, R.A., Webster, M.S. and Rice, A.N. 2021. Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa. Biological Reviews 96: 1135-1159.
Keen, S.C., Odom, K.J., and Araya-Salas, M. 2021. A machine-learning approach for quantifying element diversity in animal vocalizations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1213-1225.
Keenan, E.L., Odom, K.J., Price, J.J., Mann, N.I., Slater, P.J.B., Araya-Salas, M. and Templeton, C.N. 2020. Duet coordination correlates to breeding season length in the Neotropical wrens (Troglodytidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20202482.
Wilkins, M.R., Odom, K.J., Benedict, L. and Safran, R.J. 2020. Analysis of female song provides insight into the evolution of sex differences in a widely studied songbird. Animal Behaviour 168: 69-82.
Haines, C.D.*, Rose, E.M., Odom, K.J. and Omland, K.E. 2020. The Role of Diversity in Science: A Case Study of Women Advancing Female Bird Song Research. Animal Behaviour 168: 19-14.
Riebel, K., Odom, K.J., Langmore, N.E. and Hall, M.L. 2019. Invited perspectives paper – New insights from female bird song: towards an integrated approach to studying male and female communication roles. Biology Letters 15: 20190059.
Odom, K.J., Rose, E.M., Hallworth, M.T., DÃaz-Marrero, O.A. and Omland, K.E. 2019. Females and males maintain similar sized, stable territories between breeding and non-breeding seasons in a tropical oriole (Icterus icterus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131: 524-533.
Odom, K.J. and Benedict, L. 2018. Commentary – A call to document female bird songs – applications for diverse fields. Ornithology 135: 314-325.
Odom, K.J. and Omland, K.E. 2018. Females and males both respond more strongly to duets than female solos in a tropical songbird (Icterus icterus). Behaviour 154: 1377-1395.
Odom, K.J., Logue, D.M., Studds, C.E., Monroe, M.K.*, Campbell, S.K.*, and Omland, K.E. 2017. Duetting behavior varies with sex, season, and singing role in a tropical oriole (Icterus icterus). Behavioral Ecology 28: 1256–1265.
Odom, K.J., Omland, K.E., McCaffrey, D.R., Monroe, M.K.*, Christhilf, J.L.*, Roberts, N.S. and Logue, D.L. 2016. Typical males and unconventional females: songs and singing behaviors of a tropical, duetting oriole in the breeding and non-breeding season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4:14.
Campbell, S.K.*, Morales-Perez, A.L., Malloy, J.F.*, Muellerklein, O.C.*, Kim, J.A.*, Odom, K.J. and Omland, K.E. 2016. Documentation of female song in a newly recognized species, the Puerto Rican Oriole (Icterus portoricensis). Journal Caribbean Ornithology 29: 28-36.
Odom, K.J., Omland, K.E. and Price, J.J. 2015. Differentiating the evolution of female song and male-female duets in the New World blackbirds: can tropical natural history traits explain duet evolution? Evolution 69: 839-847.
Sandercock, B.S., Alfaro-Barrios, M., Casey, A.E., Johnson, T.N., Mong, T.W., Odom, K.J., Strum, K.M. and Winder, V.L. 2015. Effects of grazing and prescribed fire on resource selection and nest survival of upland sandpipers in an experimental landscape. Landscape Ecology 30: 325-337.
Odom, K.J., Hall, M.L., Riebel, K., Omland, K.E. and Langmore, N.E. 2014. Female song is widespread and ancestral in songbirds. Nature Communications 5: 3379.
Odom, K. J., Slaght, J.C. & Gutiérrez, R.J. 2013. Distinctiveness in the territorial calls of Great Horned Owls within and among years. Journal of Raptor Research 47: 21-30.
Odom, K.J. and Mennill, D.J. 2012. Inconsistent geographic variation in the calls and duets of Barred Owls across an area of genetic introgression. Ornithology 129: 387-398.
Barrowclough, G.B., Groth, J.J., Odom, K.J. and Lai, J.E. 2011. Phylogeography of the Barred Owl (Strix varia): species limits, multiple refugia, and range expansion. Ornithology 128: 696-706.
Odom, K.J. and Mennill, D.J. 2010. Vocal duets in a nonpasserine: an examination of territory defense and neighbour-stranger discrimination in a neighbourhood of barred owls. Behaviour 147: 619-639.
Odom, K.J. and Mennill, D.J. 2010. A quantitative description of the vocalizations and vocal activity of the Barred Owl. Ornithological Applications 112: 549-560.
* Student authors